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Mitch Giggins

Recruitment Manager

Years played with the club: 18 years. Mitch started playing at age 10 in U12s and has played all grades up to A Grade

A Grade Premiership Player in Season 2018-2019

Years of involvement with club: 18 years

Roles with club: Player, A Grade Captain, Committee member, Vice President, Curator, Team recruitment

Family Connection: Mitch's grandfather Rob, father Bruce and uncle John all played for the club

"Me, Dad and Pop actually played in an A Reserve game together one day, I will never forget that"

Why Mitch joined the Committee: "I joined the Committee because I wanted to be a part of the growth within the club and give back to the club that has supported me over the years"

Highlight of Mitch's involvement with the club? "Winning the A Grade Grand Final in the 2018-2019 season"

Mitch Giggins
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